Have a look through some of the past events. Interested in attending an event? Look through our upcoming events.
A one-day event where you can get an introduction to Natural Sequence Farming, get an understanding of how our landscape functions, and learn what NSF can do for your landscape.
A one day event where you can get an introduction to Natural Sequence Farming, get an understanding of how our landscape functions and learn what NSF can do for your landscape.
A one-day workshop on rehydrating your landscapes
Discover how to build business resilience in your enterprise through natural sequence farming
A day where you be introduced to the five key pillars of Natural Sequence Farming practices, giving you the knowledge to optimise local water cycles, boost plant growth and regenerate landscapes on any scale.
A 4-day course to get you reading your landscape, rehydrating your land and maximising productivity, by implementing Natural Sequence Farming and beginning to work alongside nature.